A treat for fans of all ages, celebrate a special occasion or simply a great night at a Carolina Hurricanes home game.
A Standard Experience includes:
- A Stormy bobblehead, Stormy bag, sticker pack and lanyard
- Seat Visit from Carolina Hurricanes mascot Stormy
- Photo Opportunity with Stormy
💫 Upgrade to a VIP Seat Visit to include a player signed puck, Stormy bobblehead, Stormy t-shirt, personalized signed photo by Stormy, Stormy bag, sticker pack and lanyard.
How Seat Visits Work
🚨 You must be a ticketed attendee. Need tickets? See Hurricanes' schedule
- Purchasing a seat visit doesn’t include a ticket or access to the game itself. It is an add-on experience for ticketed fans.
- Specific arrival alerts will be provided via SMS when Stormy is en route. This is sent to the cell phone number provided during the booking process.
- It is the responsibility of the purchaser to communicate any updates to seat locations the day before game day.
- If the recipient isn’t in their seat at the time of the visit, Stormy reserves the right to try again; a refund will not be issued
- There are no set times for seat visits
- All seat visits are final at point of purchase
- Need help with booking? Contact us via hello@mascot-link.com
In-Seat Visit Policy
- If the mascot & crew stop by the seat location and the fan is not in their seats, they reserve the right to attempt another seat visit only at their discretion and subject to schedule during that game. It is not guaranteed.
- It is the responsibility of the purchaser to communicate any updates to seat locations on game day.
Stormy loves taking pictures with fans, but please be considerate of those around you and the game action ahead of doing so!
- The responsibility of notifying the intended recipient of the visit or experience falls on the purchaser not the mascot, MascotLink Bookings, nor other partners. Especially since this may or may not be a surprise for the intended recipient.
- Deliveries, seat visits and pregame activations are non-refundable unless the experience is canceled or rescheduled due to league or local government policies.
- Stormy General Appearance Information
- Full Terms of Service
Scoreboard Policy
- Birthday Messages include individual’s name and age (optional) only.
- Birthday Messages may not be submitted as a Celebration or Group Message. If done so, your message will not be displayed.
- Limit 40 characters for Group Welcomes & Other celebratory messages.
- Please note, the top of the jumbotron graphic states: WELCOME and does not need to be included in your 40 characters.
- Messages may not contain inappropriate content and cannot be used for commercial purposes.
- Advertisements including websites, phone numbers and social media handles and hashtags are prohibited.
- See your birthday or celebration message up on the video board during an upcoming Canes game! All requests must be made at least three business days in advance.
- Birthday & Celebration messages will be displayed during the 1st Intermission.
- Group messages will be displayed during the 2nd Intermission.
- * Only ONE (1) birthday or message allowed per submission.
- **If you are a Season Ticket Member** DO NOT FILL OUT THIS FORM or you will be charged. Instead, contact your Ticket Representative to request your message or call the front office at 1-866-645-2263.